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Asked by a 24 years old male



Hepatitis B


I have hepatitis B and I need your help to reverse it, I haven't done the viral load test but I've done liver function test twice though my doctor told me there's improvement I still want to find solution from different sources .

Posted 7 months ago
1 answers

Doctor Answers


Doctor of medicine profession

It is always advisable to do at least three basic tests once you are told that you have hepatitis B (tested positive for the surface antigen). These are 1. Liver function test 2. Hepatitis B profile 3. Viral Load Your doctor may add an abdominal Ultrasound scan depending on the results of the tests above. Currently, there is no cure for hepatitis B infection, however, there are medications to slow down the progression of the disease. Whether or not your doctor will put you on such medications depends on the results from the tests above. There are also liver protective medications which you may be given. These only help to augment the function of your liver. Please avoid the use of herbal medication as they may worsen your prognosis. Your doctor may not put you on medications again, based on the results of the tests above, but will schedule you for review at regular interest. Do well to adhere.

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Answered 7 months ago