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Asked by a 44 years old female

Healthy lifestyle


Women's diet


What's the best diet for a woman in her 40's?

Gracia Helarie

For a woman in her 40s, a diet tailored to support metabolic changes and bone density is crucial. Incorporating calcium-rich foods, such as dairy or fortified alternatives, is beneficial for bone health. To aid in maintaining a healthy digestive system, a high-fiber diet with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is recommended. Lean protein sources are essential for preserving muscle mass, and including foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like fish, can support heart health. Healthy fats, found in avocados, nuts, and olive oils, are also important. Proper hydration is imperative. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider to create a diet plan that accommodates individual health considerations.

Sarah Okine

A balanced diet rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is ideal for women in their 40s. During menopause, focusing on calcium-rich foods for bone health, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids for heart health, can be beneficial. It's also important to stay hydrated and limit processed foods and added sugars.

Posted 11 months ago
2 answers

Asked by a 18 years old female

Cardiovascular health


Can’t read blood pressure


Hello, for some reason anytime I check my blood pressure I get an error. Is this normal?

Nathaniel Okaiteye-Blessyn

No, this is not normal. It could either mean your apparatus is faulty or your BP is high above recordable. You need to go to the hospital for them to check with the manual apparatus just to be on the safer side.

Posted 9 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 25 years old female

Skin, nails, hair


My left breast feels heavier than the other n a little pain . I have some tiny pimple like bump on the surface of my breast skin


My left breast fedd egg la heavier than the other and a little sharp pain. Have tiny pimple like bumps on the surface of my breast, in between my breast and my tumm

Amanda Sackey

I am sorry you have pain and pimples under your breast and the left breast is bigger than the right. This may be due to a number of causes including either an infection or allergy. May I suggest you see a doctor for further examination and if indicated, tests. You may need a scan of your breasts to investigate why one is bigger, and treatment.

Nathaniel Okaiteye-Blessyn

It could mean two things: 1. You are getting at that time of the month. 2. That "pimple" has started a little spread of inflammation into the left breast.

Posted 10 months ago
2 answers

Asked by a 23 years old male





Please want to know more about safe abortion for unplanned pregnancy

Josephine Idowu

You should be in charge of your fertility and the first step is knowing how to protect yourself. It’s not too late to book an appointment so as to guide you

Posted 9 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 59 years old male

Respiratory system




please i am finding it difficult to breadth at times when trying ti workout or doing any tideous work

Nathaniel Okaiteye-Blessyn

This could mean a lot of things. I advise you get your BP checked and see a doctor for further investigation to rule all possible factors.

Posted 6 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 27 years old female

Sexual Health


Abdominal cramps


I’m a diabetic, for some months now been experiencing intense pain when in my period, with lots of clots. This usually happens from the first day to the 3rd day. My period is coming in 9 days and I’m experiencing some pain. On a scale of 1-10, a 5.

Josephine Idowu

Sorry to hear that you’re having intense pain during your period. There are so many reasons why you might be going through this and there are remedies available. Please do get in contact with me so that I can help you out.

Posted 1 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 25 years old male

Bacterial and viral infections


Stomach pains


I've been having stomach ache since morning and I've been vomiting and stooling at the same time. On top of that I've lost my appetite for food

Tsion Dinku

Hi There Am sorry for all the pain and discomfort. If you are still experiencing the above symptoms, you need to be evaluated by a doctor to find out the cause and also get a detailed plan to replace the fluid and electrolyte lost with the diarrhea and vomiting. You can book appointment and I will help you with all that needs to be done .

Posted 6 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 30 years old male

Healthy lifestyle


What are some of the way one can live a healthy lifestyle


How can make sure my diet is on point or healthy and at the same time manage my cravings for not so healthy foods like chips, fries or fast food in general

Nathaniel Okaiteye-Blessyn

Let me answer your question in this form; There are main 3 types of sugars: 1. Refined sugars - these are the processed foods in canns, tins, sachets, and plastics. *AVOID THEM AS MUCH AS YOU CAN*. 2. Unprocessed foods are foods in the raw states from the farms or slightly processed. Mostly food from our farms. *You eat these sugars in moderation*. 3. Fibers and vegetables - these are foods in the raw states of fibers which are also a form of carbohydrates. *EAT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN* and you won't go Hungary faster. Therefore, with this simple information, you will know the right kind of foods to eat which will help in your weight management.

Posted 9 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 42 years old female



Could I be pregnant


I’m 42yrs old. Not looking to conceive. Had unprotected sex 2 days after my last menstrual cycle last month. My menses is supposed to come tomorrow. I didn’t take any morning after pill. I feel pregnant. Could I be? Please help.

Josephine Idowu

Being pregnant depends on a lot of factors. Most importantly you’ll need to understand your cycle and know what part of your cycle you are in. I’m guessing by now you know if you’re pregnant or not. I can still help you to better understand your cycle

Nana-K Osei

It depends on the cycle length How many days in between the start of each period

Posted 7 months ago
2 answers

Asked by a 26 years old female

Bacterial and viral infections




I have a mucus like slimy but white liquid coming out of my vagina and the other time too my period lasted for 8 days after coming on an unusual day

Josephine Idowu

The discharge coming from a woman’s vagina means different things at different times and the hormones in our body causes various changes in our monthly flow. Do get in contact with me so I can get more information from you to help you deal with your concern.

Posted 7 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 37 years old male

Sexual Health


Family Planning


What's the side effects of choosing any method of family planning.

Josephine Idowu

Great to see that you want to take charge of your fertility. Do book a consultation with me so that we can chose the best family planning method together with the least side effects

Posted 2 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 27 years old male

Men's Health


Pains in upper genitals


I have pains right above my private part, it only hurts when I press there, it also feels a bit swollen. What could be the cause ? Thanks in advance

Byrite Asamoah

Suprapubic tenderness in a 27 year old male could have various causes, including urinary tract infection, bladder inflammation (cystitis), bladder stones, or even issues like appendicitis or hernia. Even just pressing on the area with a full bladder can cause pain. If this persists, it's important for you to see a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Posted 10 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 23 years old female

Sexual Health


Lower abdominal pain after sex


I can’t walk or talk loud or even pee after sex this doesn’t happen all the time but it happens once in a while and I don’t know the cause. The pain is very severe and it’s like a menstrual pain. Please I need help and the cause of this please.

Josephine Idowu

Sorry to see that you’re going through that. There are different reasons why you are experiencing this and I would need to ask you more intimate question. So kindly book an appointment with me so I help you out

Posted 7 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 37 years old male

Bones and muscles


Shoulder dislocation


I have shoulder dislocation problem. Is there treatment for it

Nathaniel Okaiteye-Blessyn

You may have weak ligaments holding the shoulder. You need to see the orthopedic Doctor to fix it.

Posted 7 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 20 years old female

Healthy lifestyle


Low libido


I don’t enjoy sex with my boyfriend. And I want to know what to do. He is worried so I’m I

Nana-K Osei

Kindly schedule an appointment I may have just the thing for you

Josephine Idowu

Sorry you are experiencing that. It should definitely be a pleasurable moment. You can book an appointment with me and we will discuss more.

Posted 8 months ago
2 answers

Asked by a 18 years old female

Women's health


I feel some pain when I’m urinating this pain is different from the pain ou feel when you have a yeast infection.


It’s more like when I’m done peeing there’s still more pee but it isn’t coming out and it just hurts because of the I feel like peeing often and this has been happening since last week Tuesday

Afua Serwaa Quaicoe

Sounds like you have a urinary tract infection. Have you noticed any blood in your urine as well? Any fever, lower abdominal pain or abnormal vaginal discharge? You could book an appointment so we discuss your symptoms in detail and treat you promptly as this can be very uncomfortable.

Posted 3 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 28 years old male

Sexual Health


My sperms


I’ve been married 6 years and a son. After having our son my wife can’t get pregnant again whenever we have sex.I went to a herbal clinic and was given some medicines but until now I can’t still pregnant my wife.Please help me because I need a child

Nana-K Osei

Hi. You have what we call secondary infertility. We need to investigate both you and your partner to see where the challenge is coming from Kindly book an appointment and let's get you sorted

Posted 8 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 38 years old male

Respiratory system


Blocked nose


Hello, I have had this blocked right nose for almost two weeks now... It's soo uncomfortable I find it very hard to breathe sometimes and sleeping is that worse please what is your advice...

Nathaniel Okaiteye-Blessyn

Please see your doctor to get some investigations done.

Posted 8 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 20 years old male

Sexual Health


Treating syphilis


How long does it take to treat syphilis which has lasted for about 6 to 7 months in men?

Nana-K Osei

Depending on the treatment chosen. It can be a single injection shot. If you are allergic to penicillin we give you antibiotics to take by mouth for 2 weeks

Posted 4 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 23 years old male

Women's health


What causes low libido in women


What causes low libido in women

Nana-K Osei

Can be a combination of factors as said above. Book an appointment and let me help you

Kelvin Owusu

Women generally have lower libido than men do and it's simply because they have lower levels of testosterone. Having said that many other things can affect the libido of a woman such as medication, stress, hormone imbalance among other things. It would be important that you seek medical attention so we can deal with the exact cause of your peculiar issue.

Posted 9 months ago
2 answers

Asked by a 24 years old female

Bacterial and viral infections


Please can antibiotics cause thrush


I was diagnosed with pylori (gastritis) and I started taking medications but there were no improvements so I consulted another doctor and he told me to complete the course and go to the hospital and test for it again. He prescribed some medications for me but I revisited the hospital last Tuesday and they told me gastritis was still positive and my lymphocytes level were abnormal. I keep getting watery and creamy thrush from my vagina it has made my vagina itchy and painful. I don't know if it is the side effects of the antibiotics prescribed or something else. Please help me out

Amanda Sackey

Can antibiotics cause thrush You probably have a vaginal infection like thrush after taking antibiotics for treating gastritis. You need to see a doctor for appropriate treatment. Thrush is caused by a fungal infection. Antibiotics do not cause thrush. A person can get thrush after taking antibiotics because the antibiotics temporarily disturbs the normal protective bacterial cover which usually protect a person from getting thrush.


H. Pylori eradication has different treatment regimens. Completion of one regimen does not completely guarantee total eradication. Also it depends on when the test is repeated after completing the regimen. That is why the doctor will tell you to wait for about 4 weeks after completing the regimen. If the test remains positive after this, your doctor may change the regimen for you or change specific medications in the regimen. High lymphocytes may mean a lot of things (Please see a doctor with the results)Watery and creamy discharge from the vagina is most likely an infection. However, please see a doctor for a complete evaluation.

Posted 11 months ago
2 answers

Asked by a 21 years old female

Women's health


Women’s health


For the past 1 week My nipples have been hurting I don’t know why

Nathaniel Okaiteye-Blessyn

It may be that time of the month. Check your calendar. It It still persists after that, then consult your doctor.

Posted 8 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 21 years old female

Healthy lifestyle


Weight gain


I really wanna gain weight so bad but it’s not happening even though I eat a lot Please help me out

Gracia Helarie

You can book a session with me as your dietitian and I’d help you through it all. Fun facts…it’s not about eating a lot…so many things come into play when we talk about weight gain. I’d be more than happy to help you.

Posted 7 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 44 years old female

Skin, nails, hair




What's the best way to prevent or reduce cellulite on the thighs?

Dorothy Hanson

Weight management. Whilst cellulite may not be harmful to your overall health, you can reduce and prevent it be keeping a healthy weight. By maintaining healthy diet and keeping to exercises that help to burn fat and strengthen muscle, you can control the cellulite. Most of these exercises are leg and thighs focused - for cellulite

Amanda Sackey

Cellulite is a collection of fat under the skin. Everyone can get it. The skin on the stomach, buttocks and thighs appear puckered or dimpled. It is not harmful. The appearance is not acceptable to a lot of people. Treatment is by diet, exercise and occasionally treatment. Diet Avoid processed foods that are high in carbohydrates, fats, preservatives and salt. Exercise Engage in exercises like running, cycling or resistance training. Treatment Treatment with medication is prescribed by a doctor. This may include special retinol creams or taking supplements like caffeine, grape-seed extract or ginkgo biloba.

Posted 11 months ago
2 answers

Asked by a 23 years old female

Weight loss


Best time to take in water


Please how many hours intervals should I take water?

Nathaniel Okaiteye-Blessyn

There are no specific intervals in taking in water. However, your activities during the day will determine how frequent you should drink water. For instance, activities that make you burn more calories or makes you sweat a lot will demand more water intake. As a rule of thumb, its advisable you take at least 3 litres of water on daily bases.

Posted 8 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 37 years old male

Men's Health


No food supplements, am I at any risk?


I have rarely taken food supplements, am I prone to any health risks? Are food supplements required for good healthcare?

Gracia Helarie

You’re not prone to any health risks! Food supplements as the name goes adds up to the nutritive value. If you eat a balanced diet you don’t have to be worried about such…it is only recommended If the need be( case where there is a condition). Best advise…consume a balanced diet 😊

Phyllis Gborsong

You seem quite concerned and it’s understandable especially nowadays when there are lots of food supplements available and also being advertised. Truth is, you do not necessarily need to be on food supplements. However, it actually depends on various factors like your overall diet, lifestyle, and if you have any underlying health conditions. Supplements can be beneficial but they're not always necessary if you have a balanced diet. We’re advised sometimes to take food supplements because majority of us tend not to eat balanced meals but it’s not a requirement. If you are deficient in certain nutrients, you might be at risk for health issues so it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional .

Posted 10 months ago
2 answers

Asked by a 29 years old female

Women's health




How do I treat and manage hemorrhoids

Nathaniel Okaiteye-Blessyn

Haemorrhoids are managed with medications and surgery depending on the grade of the haemorrhoids. You need to consult your doctor for proper examinations and investigations to decide on the choice of management. I advise you stay away from unwholesome information about hemorrhoids out there to avoid complicating your condition. See your doctor first.

Posted 8 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 29 years old female

Healthy lifestyle


Loose weight


How do I loose weight

Byrite Asamoah

To lose weight effectively, focus on a balanced approach. Start by evaluating your diet and incorporating more whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains while limiting processed foods and sugary drinks. Portion control is key – aim for smaller, more frequent meals to keep hunger at bay. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, combining cardio and strength training for optimal results. Stay hydrated and get enough sleep, as both play important roles in weight management. Be patient and consistent, as sustainable weight loss takes time and dedication. Consider seeking guidance from a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice.

Amanda Sackey

You can lose weight by having available less calories than your body needs to maintain your current weight. Calories are the energy units you get from eating food or you burn when you exercise. Carbohydrates and oils contain high amount of calories. Carbohydrates are starchy foods in our diet like yam, rice, cassava, plantain etc Reducing the amount of these foods in your diet by what you eat and how you cook the food will help you lose weight. Reduce your portion sizes, grill, boil,steam or bake food instead of frying will help you. Replacing the starchy food, the carbohydrates, and oily foods with more fruit and vegetables will help you lose weight and provide your body with essential nutrients. Also, moving a little more, by exercising, helps burn the calories and tone your body. Failing what has been discussed, there may be other reasons for your weight gain that may need investigation.

Gracia Helarie

For weight loss, focus on mindful eating, listening to your body's hunger signals, and enjoy your meals without rushing. Aim for a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, but watch your portions. Regular exercise you enjoy is key for consistency. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and help with hunger. Don't forget to care for your mental well-being with positive thinking, good sleep, and stress management. Always tailor your approach to your needs and consider consulting a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Posted 11 months ago
3 answers

Asked by a 25 years old female

Women's health


I feel slight pain on my left lower abdomen is it Normal


It happens like ones in a month

Josephine Idowu

Sorry to hear that. Usually when we ladies have are period we ovulate one a month which can bring about pain on either side but if it is always on the left then I would need to get more symptoms to assist you d. Do book a consultation so I can do so

Posted 2 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 29 years old female

Sexual Health


Men’s G spot


Do men have a G spot, if yes how do we find it?

Ebenezer Sackey

Yeahp Men do, it’s called the Prostate gland.

Posted 9 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 24 years old male



Hepatitis B


I have hepatitis B and I need your help to reverse it, I haven't done the viral load test but I've done liver function test twice though my doctor told me there's improvement I still want to find solution from different sources .


It is always advisable to do at least three basic tests once you are told that you have hepatitis B (tested positive for the surface antigen). These are 1. Liver function test 2. Hepatitis B profile 3. Viral Load Your doctor may add an abdominal Ultrasound scan depending on the results of the tests above. Currently, there is no cure for hepatitis B infection, however, there are medications to slow down the progression of the disease. Whether or not your doctor will put you on such medications depends on the results from the tests above. There are also liver protective medications which you may be given. These only help to augment the function of your liver. Please avoid the use of herbal medication as they may worsen your prognosis. Your doctor may not put you on medications again, based on the results of the tests above, but will schedule you for review at regular interest. Do well to adhere.

Posted 8 months ago
1 answers

Asked by a 24 years old female

Healthy lifestyle


Why don't I feel full after eating


I was diagnosed with pylori and I find it difficult eating and do not even fill full after I finish eating. I feel very weak and empty in my stomach when I'm hungry. Please what are the foods to eat?

Kelvin Owusu

Sorry about your predicament. How was the diagnosis made? Did you do an endoscopy? It is important to go back for a review so we know for sure that we are dealing with a simple H. Pylori infection, and also to be properly treated. Sometimes the first treatment may not deal with the infection completely and a repeat treatment maybe required, or it could be something totally unrelated that is going on.Thanks

Amanda Sackey

There maybe many reasons why you don’t feel full after eating. These may include your history of having had a pylori infection. You may still have the pylori infection or have a reinfection. You may have another illness for example a hormonal problem like a thyroid disease. You maybe pregnant. You may not be eating sufficient food or well balanced meals. You may have worms. I will be able to advise on what food to eat after I have some more information and do some investigations.

Sarah Okine

It sounds like you're experiencing challenges with feeling full after eating, especially since you've been diagnosed with H. pylori. It's important to continue monitoring and reviewing your symptoms with your healthcare provider, regardless. Together, we can adjust your diet to support your recovery and improve your comfort after meals. Let's focus on incorporating foods that are gentle on your stomach and help you feel satisfied. I look forward to discussing strategies to optimize your nutrition during onsession."

Posted 11 months ago
3 answers